Chemistry Paper 2 (Essay) ,May/June 2014  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5  Main
General Comments

Question 1

1. (a)    (i)         Define ionic bond
                        (ii)        What type of bond(s) exist(s) in:
                                    I.          magnesium oxide;
                                    II.        ammonium ion?                                                                   [4 marks]

               (b)     Determine the oxidation number of sulphur in Na2S2O3.                           [3 marks]

               (c)     State Faraday’s first law.                                                                            [2 marks]

               (d)    Give one example each of:

                        (i)         acid salt;
                        (ii)        base salt.                                            [2 marks]

               (e)     Name the type of energy change that occurs in each of the following

                        (i)         I2(s)     --------->     I2(g);   

                        (ii)        C1(g) + e-      ------>     C1-(g).                                              [2 marks]

               (f)     State the effect of each of the following aqueous solutions on litmus paper:

                        (i)         Na2SO4(aq);

                        (ii)        AlC13(aq)                                                                    [2 marks]           

               (g)     Define the term efflorescence                                                                     [2 marks]

               (h)     Give two uses of activated charcoal                                                          [2 marks]

               (i)      State one use of each of the following processes in the chemical industry:

                        (i)         hydrogenation of vegetable oil;

                        (ii)        cracking;

                        (iii)       esterification.                                                                                  [3 marks]

               (j)      Calculate the amount of silver deposited in moles when 10920
                        coulombs of electricity is passed through a solution of a silver salt.
                                    [Faraday constant = 96500 C mol-1]                                               [3 marks]


This was a compulsory question.  Majority of the candidates that answered
            this question did fairly.

            In part (a), majority of the candidates could not define ionic bond correctly. 
            Most of the candidates stated the type of bond existing in magnesium oxide as      ionic/electrovalent but failed to state the bond in ammonium ion as covalent.

            In part (b), some candidates were not able to determine the oxidation number
            of sulphur in Na2S2O3.   Many however did but carelessly omitted the positive
            sign required for oxidation states.

            In part (c), majority of the candidates defined Faraday’s first law of electrolysis
            however, some candidates could not differentiate between quantity of electricity
            and current thereby made mistake in their definitions.

            In part (d), majority of the candidates gave examples of acid salt but many
            candidates could not give example of basic salt.

            In part (e), majority of the candidates could not identify the type of energy change
            that occurred.

            In part (f), majority of the candidates stated correctly the effect of Na2SO4(aq) on
            litmus paper but many failed to realize the hydrolyzing effect of water of AlCl3 to             produce an acidic solution and therefore stated that it is neutral to litmus thereby loosing        the marks allocated to that question.

            In part (g), some candidates gave the correct definition of efflorescent but most of
            the candidates gave the definition for efflorescent substance instead.

            In part (h), some of the candidates could not give uses of activated charcoal.  However,
            very few candidates were able to give the correct uses of activated charcoal.

             In part (i), majority of the candidates were able to give one use for each of the stated       processes.

            In part (j), majority of the candidates were not able to calculate the amount in moles
            of silver deposited by passing 10920C or electricity through a solution of silver salt.

            The expected answers include:

  1.             (a)        (i)         Ionic bond is the electrostatic force of attraction between

            oppositely charged ions / cations and anions.
Ionic bond is defined as the type of bond that is formed
from / by / through the transfer of electrons from one
atom of an  element (metal) to an atom of another (non metal).   

(ii)        (I)        -           ionic / electrovalent                
(II)       -           coordinate (covalent) / dative             covalent                                    

(b)       (i)         Na2S2O3
                                    2 x Na + 2 x S + 3 x O = 0    
                                    2 x 1 + 2S + 3 (-2) = 0                
                                    2 + 2S – 6 = 0            
                                    2S = 4
                                    S = +2                                   
(c)        Faraday’s first law states that the mass of an element discharged
during electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity of
electricity passed                                
                        Accept equation Q  M where Q is quantity of electricity passed
                        and M is mass deposited.                                                                                                 
(d)       (i)         -           NaHSO4, NaHCO3, KHSO3   etc                    
                        (ii)        -           Mg(OH)Cl, Zn(OH)Cl, Zn(OH)NO3 etc
(e)        (i)         -           sublimation energy     
                        (ii)        -           electron affinity                                                          

(f)        (i)         Na2SO4(aq)        -           No effect on litmus paper/neutral to litmus   
                        (ii)        AlCl3(aq)           -           Turns blue litmus paper red/acidic to litmus  
(g)        Loss of (all or part of) water of crystallization by a substance
            on exposure to the air / atmosphere.  
(h)       -           To remove colouring matter
                        -           to adsorb gases. 
                        -           to remove impurities from liquids
                        -           whitening of teeth
                        -           to remove scent / to decolourize
            (i)         (i)         Production of margarine  / hardening of oils

                        (ii)        Increases the yield of petrol / improves the quality of
                                    petrol to produce raw materials or petrolchemicals

              (iii)       Production of alkanoates.    
                          Accept esters are used
                          -         as solvents for paints/gums/cellulose
                          -         in perfumery
                          -         in making cellulose acetate (for photographic films)
                          -         as flavouring agents.                                                                                          
            (j)         Ag+(aq)  + e-     -------->              Ag(s)                                       
                        96500 C of electricity deposits 1 mole of Ag           
                         10920 C of electricity =                                    

                                                                              = 0.113 moles


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