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Foods & Nutrition Paper 2 , May/June2009  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main
General Comments









Question 1

(a) List two simple sugars and two complex sugars

(b) List four animal sources of fat and four vegetable sources of fat

(c) Describe the stages involved in the digestion of fats.


The parts 1a and b were fairly attempted by the candidates. The part ‘C’ which was on the stages involved in the digestion of fats was not answered very well.

The candidates were expected to answer this question as follows:

(a)       Simple Sugars                      Complex Sugars

            Mannose                               Sucrose
            Ribose                                   Lactose
            Glucose                                 Xylulose
            Erythrose                               Starchyose
            Fructose                                Maltose
            Galactose                              Raffinose

(b)       Animal Sources of Fat        Vegetable Sources of Fat

            Butter             Mutton            Linseed oil              Beniseed oil/Sesame
            Cheese          Cod                 Olive oil                   Margarine
            Milk                 Halibut           Cotton seed oil       Sunflower oil
            Lard                Drippings       Groundnut oil         Avocado pears
           Herring          Tilapia              Soyabeans oil        Corn oil
            Pork                Bonga             Nuts                         Melon seed oil

(c)        Stages In The Digestion of Fats 

            Mouth                         -           there is no digestion
            Stomach                    -           there is no digestion
            Small instestines     -           Pancreatic juices contain lipase
The lipase breaks the fatty acids and glycerol then Absorption takes in small intestine.

                        Mouth             -           ½         Lipase             -           ½
                        Stomach        -           ½         Fatty acids     -           ½
                        Small intestine-        ½         Glycerol         -           ½
                        Pancreatic juices-    ½         Absorption     -           ½                                                                             

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