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Food and Nutrition 2, Nov/Dec.2009  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main
General Comments

Question 1

(a)(i)    What is a batter?
                (ii)    Suggest four dishes that can be made from batters

  1. What is the difference between a pouring and a coating batter?

(c)(i)    Name the main raising agent in batters
    (ii)    List the basic ingredients for a coating batter



Majority of the candidates did not attempt this question and the few that did it performed poorly. The candidates did not write the definition of batter correctly and also muddled the answers for other parts of the question.

The candidates were expected to answer the question as follows:

            (ai)       A batter is a mixture of flour, milk/water and eggs beaten together.

            (aii)      Dishes using batter

                        Currant pancakes                                Black cap pudding
                        Sweet pancakes                                   Meat or fish fritters
                        Banana pancakes                                 Toad-in-the-hole
                        Yorkshire pudding                              Fruit fritters

(b)        A pouring batter is thinner and usually used for pudding and pancakes while a coating batter is thicker and is used to coat the surface of food before frying.
(ci)       The main raising agent in batter is air
(ii)        The basic ingredients for a coating batter

            100 flour                                 ½ mark for flour
            1 Egg                                       ½ mark for correct measure of flour
            125 ml milk                             ½ mark for mentioning egg
            Pinch of salt                            ½ mark for the number of eggs
                                                            ½ mark for the correct milk measurement
                                                            ½ for the milk
                                                            ½ for the pinch of salt

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