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Food and Nutrition 2, Nov/Dec.2009  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main
General Comments

Question 5
  1. State five general rules for buying food items
  2. State five guidelines that food sellers should observe to make food safe for sale.


This question is another candidates’ strength. The question was on general rules for buying food items and guidelines that food sellers should observe to make food safe for sale. The candidates answered the question very well with straight forward answers.

The answers to the question are as follows:

  1. General Rules for Buying Food Items
    1. Buy good quality food items/do not buy foods that are damaged or not in good condition or foods that have lost some of the nutrients, natural flavor or colours.
    2. Buy convenience foods, when necessary
    3. Make-sure that the correct measures are used
    4. Compare prices to avoid being cheated
    5. Buy foods that are familiar to the family to avoid wastage
    6. Buy foods in season in bulk because they are cheaper and at their best.
    7. Check labels on packages for expiry date and contents
    8. Complain to the seller of manufacturer when a problem arises with a product.
    9. Buy from clean shops and stalls.
    10. Consider the family needs.
    11. Buy foods in bulk when there is adequate storage facilities.
    12. Buy foods according to the number in the family.
  1.     Guidelines to observe by food sellers for food safety
    1. must be clean and healthy
    2. must protect food from flies
    3. must not use bare hands to dish cooked foods
    4. must not allow customers to pick food from the container
    5. must use clean containers for dishing out food
    6. must keep their surroundings neat and tidy
    7. must sell far away from open drains, gutters, refuse dumps and toilet.
    8. must observe good personal/food and kitchen hygiene practices.



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