Geography Paper 2, May/June 2010  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   Main
General Comments

Question 2

(a) (i) Name any three commodities of world trade.
(ii) Identify three sea routes in the world.
(b) Explain any four conditions that promote trade among countries.
(c) Outline any three reasons for the low volume of trade among African countries.


This was one of the most popular question. The performance of those candidates who answered the question was fair. Quite a good number of those who answered the question were able to name the commodities involved in world trade and identify the world sea routes. Some however could not explain the factors that promote trade among countries. The expected answers included:
- differences in climate
- surplus of a resource in one region and deficit in another
- specialization of production in one region and non in the other regions
- demand for products
- transportation facilities
- stable socia! and political conditions
- agreement between trading partners
-need to earn foreign exchange
- colonial ties
- differences in technological advancement
- political consideration/interest
- differences in tariff

The reasons for the low volume of trade among African countries include:

- similarity of products
- similarity of ecological environment
- low level of technology
- colonial ties
- low level of savings
- transportation facilities
- differences in currencies etc.

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