Metal Works Paper 2, May/June 2012  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 Main
General Comments
Question 4

  1. What is twisting?                                                                            
  2. List two tools used in the following operations:
  3. twisting:
  4. drawing down.
  5. State two reasons why the head of a soldering iron is made of copper.
  6. (i) With the aid of a labelled sketch, show a riveted joint with a snap head rivet.

State two faults in riveting.



In this question, parts (a) (i) and (d) (ii) were the difficult parts that candidates
could not provide the required response to as expected of them. The expected response to these parts are:
(a) (i) Twisting is a forgework operation which involves heating a metal
evenly, holding it in a vice and turning it with a wrench through angle 90° or 180°.

  1. (ii) - tearing;
  2. splitting;
  3. shearing; bending


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