Majority of the candidates were unable to:
distinguish between agricultural systems (i.e mono culture and monocropping;
shifting cultivation and land rotation);
explain how agricultural education and extension; and environmental degradation
affect agricultural production;
explain chemical weathering of rocks;
discuss processes of chemical weathering of rocks;
state ways in which soil temperature is important for crop growth;
give reasons for the movement of herdsmen and their flocks southwards to the rain
forest zone during the dry season and the preference for the use of simple farm tools
over farm machinery by some West African farmers;
identify problems associated with the movement of herdsmen and suggest solutions to
the problems;
state ways in which weeds are beneficial to the farmer;
state ways by which pasture can be made available to cattle;
state steps involved in silage making;
name breeds of chicken used for commercial egg production;
state qualities of a good agricultural extension agent;
calculate the salvage value, total depreciation and annual depreciation of a second
hand combine harvester. |
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