The weaknesses that manifested in the candidates' scripts were:
(1) Inadequate preparation for the examination
Candidates should show greater commitment and interest in the
subject. The Revised Standard Version of the Bible is the
recommended text and should be use to prepare adequately for the
(2) Lack of knowledge of the subject matter
They should get familiar with contextual passages and strive to
cover all the topics in the syllabus in order to have adequate
knowledge of the subject.
(3)Misinterpretation of questions
Candidates should spend few minutes to study and interpret the
questions in order to understand their demands. Only questions
that are clearly understood should be attempted.
(4)Sermonizing (preaching)
Candidates should avoid unnecessary preamble and write from the
prescribed text rather than preaching. They should compliment the
study of the Bible with their teachers' notes.
(5) Poor grammatical expression
Candidates are to ·use the library and read novels in order to
improve their grammatical expression and to improve their writing
skills. Teachers should drill their candidates on how to attempt
questions by giving them assignments in essay writing.