The performance of the candidates was affected by the following weaknesses:
- wrong use/omission of units;
- lack of knowledge of significant figures;
- wrong terminologies e.g. gelatinous precipitate instead of precipitate;
- inability to infer from observations provided;
- poor knowledge of drying agents, distinguishing tests and hydrolysis
- inability to distinguish between chemical test and physical test;
- assigning wrong charges to ions.
The following remedies were suggested to overcome the weaknesses:
- candidates should be exposed to theory and practical questions;
- candidates should prepare adequately for examination;
- there is the need to emphasize the difference between precipitate and gelatinous precipitate;
- candidates should delve into area of mathematics that concerns significant figures and decimal places;
- candidates should adhere to instructions;
- candidates should endeavour to study using standard recommended text book instead of ‘key points’.