Some of the weaknesses observed in candidates’ scripts were:
- Lack of examination technique. Some candidates did not take note of the rubrics hence, they answered two questions on the same page instead of on separate pages.
- Poor preparation for the examination, some candidates answers showed inadequate knowledge of the subject matter for example, candidates performed poorly in question 6 which was on new techniques used in retailing and documents used in international trade of payment. Furthermore, most candidates avoided question 9 and 10 which were on objectives and problems of ECOWAS and Arithmetic of Commerce respectively.
- Poor mastery of English Language hence their inability to understand some questions and express their points clearly. For example, most of the candidates mis-interprete question one which was on career opportunities in Commerce. They only listed trades and aids to trade instead of explaining the career opportunities.
(b) Suggested Remedies
- Teachers should teach their candidates examination techniques to enhance their performance
- The teaching and learning of English Language should be encouraged in schools – candidates should improve on their communication skills to be able to express their points and interpret questions properly.
- Candidates should cover all aspects of the syllabus in Commerce in good time so as to have enough time for revision before the examination.
- Qualified teachers of Commerce should be employed to teach Commerce in schools and recommended text books should be studied by candidates in order to improve on their knowledge of the subject.