Here, candidates were expected to write a letter to their cousin that planned to visit them in school telling him/her what they needed in school; the visiting hours and things forbidden during the visit.
Candidate were expected to mention the following points among others; A. Introduction
L'adresse et Ia date
La formule d'ouverture
Les salutations d'ouverture
B. Le corps de Ia lettre
Remerciez le cousin/la cousine d'avance Enumerez les chases qu'il vous faut et pourquoi Rappelez les heures de visite et le jour
Dites ce qu'il taut eviter de faire pendant Ia visite (ex. klaxonner, rouler a
toute vitesse, pa_rler d'autres langues que I'angiais, etc.)
C. Conclusion
Les formalites de courtoisie
La formule de cloture
Le nom du candidat/de Ia candidate
Majority of the candidates that attempted the question answered it very well. |