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French Paper 3, Nov/Dec. 2009  
Questions:               Main
General Comments

Suggested Improvement

candidates' weakness

Dictation remains the greatest area of weakness of most candidates.  Their problems centered on lack of proper understanding of  French grammar and sound, which led them to equate two dissimilar  sounds in the language, for instance, some of the candidates wrote “les” for” “lait”  “très” for “treize”

Most of the candidates found it difficult to differentiate between the 2nd person singular and the 3rd person singular e.g. some of the candidates wrote “sur la route, elle se sentais” instead of  “sur la route, elle se sentait”

Some of them failed to put accents on the words e.g..
            “Ou se trouvait” instead of Où se trouvait”
            electricite instead of électricité
                   “    bebe   “      “     bébé
Most of the candidates could not differentiate between singulars and plurals of words for instance they wrote :
            “trios enfant” instead of trois enfants
            “Plusieurs jour instead of “plusieurs jours”
Candidates substituted English words for  French words.  In some cases they left blank spaces for words they could not spell. 
e.g. “address” instead of “adresse”

Some of the candidates instead of applying the punctuation marks wrote them down for instance:
                        “à la ligne”
                        “deux points”
In the dialogue and Exposition segments candidates response showed poor knowledge of Civilization and Background Studies.
A good number of them had difficulty with abbreviations and acronyms in French.
Some of them could not express themselves fluently in French.

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