Some of the common weaknesses noted in the candidates’ scripts include:
1. Poor Expression:
Some of the candidates could not make correct sentences. Such
candidates were unable to clearly express themselves, even when they knew the answers.
Candidates should improve their power of expression through the reading of the novels, books and journals to broaden their vocabulary.
2. Inadequate Preparation:
Many of the candidates did not prepare adequately for the examination. Such candidates did not cover the syllabus.
Candidates should be encouraged to start preparing for the W ASSCE early enough so that they could cover much grounds before the examination begins.
Poor Preparation for Practical Geography and Surveying:
Many of the candidates performed poorly in Practical Geography and Surveying. More time should be allotted to these practical aspects of the work on the timetable by schools.. Geography laboratories should be constructed where non exist and where they exist, it should be furnished to meet the demands of the syllabus.
Poor School Inspection:
School inspection by administrators and school supervisors are inadequate, particularly in public schools. Consequently, teachers do not teach their subjects the way they should. It is strongly recommended that school administrators and other appropriate authorities carry out a thorough supervision of the teaching and learning process to ensure maximum output. |