- Weaknesses observed are as follows:
- many candidates could not differentiate between the demands of
questions such as define, what is and explain.
- poor grammatical expressions
- poor computational skills
- lack of understanding of some concepts such as; work, terminal
velocity, principal focus for a diverging lens, principal axis, capillary
action, astronomical telescope in normal adjustment, magnetic flux
and application of energy consumed in kilowatt-hour.
- The following remedies were suggested:
- WAEC should reverse back to conducting qualifying examinations
before the conduct of WASSCE.
- Society should discourage harbouring “miracle” examination centres to
- Parents to provide candidates with text books.
- Government to employ qualified teachers
- Teachers to employ basic concepts and principles and application of
such to everyday life.
- Government to provide well-equipped laboratories and libraries
- Teachers to drill candidates appropriately while preparing them for the
- Candidates should be more studious
- Government to provide adequate teaching facilities in schools
- Teachers to discourage rote-learning by candidates and improve on
teaching and learning processes.