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Visual Art Paper 1 ,May/June 2008  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Main
General Comments

Question 7

Write an appreciation on “The last supper”


This question was attempted by few candidates. The question required an appreciation of the last supper'. Majority of the candidates interpreted it wrongly narrating the last supper which Christ instituted at the eve of his departure from earth as recorded in the Bible.

But a few of the candidates interpreted the question well. They based their appreciation on-the painting entitled 'The Last Supper" produced by Leonardo da Vinci between 1495 and 1498 during the High Renaissance.
-the theme of the painting was based on "One of you shall betray me' as     Christ and His twelve disciples were at table.
-Leonardo painted in oil using impasto technique.
-Figures were arranged in groups of threes.
-It was one of Leonardo's finished works.
-It was Leonardo's supreme masterpiece.
The candidates neglected the part of the painting, which made it unique in their answers as:
Leonardo invented a character for each disciple; Peter leans toward John holding a knife;
Thomas lifts a finger; James throws himself back in surprise; Judas with a bag of money pulls back upsetting the cellar; Peter's brother Andrew lifts both hands indignantly; James brother of Christ calms; Matthew rises to listen and John is overwhelmed with sorrow.

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