Biology Paper 3 (Practical) May/June 2015




The observed weaknesses of the candidates include:

-           inability to state the Class Osteichthyes;
-           inability to state correctly the leaf arrangements, leaf shape and leaf venation of specimens A and B;
-           inability to know that adaptation refers to the structures and function;
-           inability to draw guidelines to touch the label on the diagram;
-           using wrong magnification or not writing down the magnification of the diagram;
-           using wrong titles for the diagram;
-           inability to label diagrams correctly;
-           inability to correctly identify the phylum of Specimens G (Worker bee) and H (Soldier termite);
-           inability to reasons for the Phylum Arthropoda;
-           writing axial instead of axile for the type of placentation of specimen T.

            The following remedies were proffered to overcome the weaknesses:

-           students should be abreast with the recent classification of organisms into Class and Order                                              
-           students should be made to draw often in class, so as to perfect their diagrams during examination;
-           students should be encouraged to use modern text books;
-           students should be exposed to practical and scientific knowledge;
-           schools should endeavor to equip their laboratories;
-           teachers should be exposed to field work and laboratory works;
-           teachers should emphasize to students that whenever a question on adaptation is asked that they should relate structures with their respective functions.