Carpentry And Joinery (Paper 2) WASSCE (SC), 2023

Weakness and Remedies


The candidates were generally weak in:
-           listing safety devices that are used on the circular saw machine. They were written out the general safety devices in workshop and also personal safety devices in working on a machine;
-           pictorial sketch of a through haunched mortise and tenon joint, they were drawing other types of joints;

  • stating the use of a thinner in finishing a joinery article;
  • stating the use of scrapper as an hand tools, whereas they were stating scrapper  used on wall during painting;
  • sketching  a push block;
  • stating the use of a push block;
  • explaining timber defects;
  • stating the characteristics of Abura timber;

To overcome these weaknesses:
            -           students should study their examination syllabus very well;
            -           students should concentrate more on the identified weak areas;

  • teacher should guide the students on the differences in characteristics of hard and soft wood;

-           assignment with sketches should be given to the students at least twice a week.