Catering Craft Practice Paper 3, WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 2


In this question, candidates were required to

(a) List methods of table service.

(b) List holloware used in table setting.

(c) Explain the term garnish



Majority of the candidates were unable to list correctly the methods of table service. The expected methods are:Silver/English service, family service, plate/American service, French/butler service. Majority of the candidates answered question 2(b) wronglyand scored low marks. The expected holloware used in table setting are: Tea/coffee pot, sugar basin, butter dish, preserve dish, milk jug. In 2(c) many candidates that attempted it scored low mark and got it wrong. The expected answer is:  Garnish is an item used to decorate/embellish a dish/drink/cocktail to make it attractive, in order to arouse the appetite of customer/guest.