Data Processing Part 2, May/June 2014  
Questions: 1 2 3 4   Main
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Question 2


  1. The diagram below (fig. 2) shows the interface of an application.

  1. What is the general name of the application in fig 2 above
  2. Give one example of the application.
  3. Identify the parts labelled I to IV.
  4. Mention one function each of the parts labelled Iand III.
  5. Consider the objects labelled A, B, C and D in fig. 3.

  1. Identify A, B, C and D in fig 3 above.
  2. Mention one difference between A and D
  3. State  another device that function as device B
  4. In the absence of device B in a desk top computer, list six keys on the keyboard that could be used to select an icon on the desktop.




The Chief Examiner reported that although this question was quite popular among the candidates as it was attempted by majority of the candidates, the performance of majority of them was poor.

In part (a) it was reported that majority of the candidates mistook the application to be that of word processing. This was wrong as the application was a web browser. It could also be called a browser or an internet browser. Examples of web browsers included: mozaic, internet explorer, Google chrome, netsurf, safari, AOL and avert. Candidates were expected to mention any one.
From the diagram, part I was the address bar and it is used to display the current website address / uniform resource locator (URL: www/FTP/http/Telnet/UDP/SMTP). It is also used to enter website addresses.
Part II was the back / backward button,
Part III was the refresh button and it is used to reload / refresh/ relaunch the last visited web page. It is also used to restart the current web page/ hyperlink.
Part IV was the home button.
In part (b) candidates’ performance was reported to be better than what it was in part (a).
Majority of the candidates were reported to identify the objects labelled A to D correctly. Object A was a scanner (thumb print scanner), object B was a mouse, C was a laptop/ palmtop/notebook/mini note, while D was a flash drive/USB modem.
The difference between object A and D was that while A was an input/ capturing device, D was a file transfer/receiver/internet access/ storage device.






In part (b)(iii), any of the following devices would function as device B: joystick, touch screen, track pen, light pen, stylus, foot mouse, light gun and touch pad. Candidates were expected to state one.
In part(b)(iv), candidates were expected to list any six of the following keyboard keys: tab, home, end, left arrow key, right arrow key, up arrow key, down arrow key, page up, page down, ctrl + home, ctrl + end and speaker.

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