Economics Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2010  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Main
General Comments
Question 7

(a)    What is a Statutory Corporation?
(b)   Give any four reasons why Statutory Corporations are established in West African Countries.



A majority of the candidates who attempted this question performed fairly well. Most candidates
provided answers for the (a) part but could not give the appropriate reasons why Statutory
Corporations are established in West African Countries as required in the (b) part of the question.
Candidates who scored low marks did not include some of the following points in their answers.

(c) (i) To provide essential commodities at reduced cost;
(i i) To undertake highly capital intensive projects which private individuals cannot handle:
(i ii) To protect the economy from indigenous monopolies;
(iv)To provide employment;
(v) To increase economic growth and development;
(vi) To avoid wasteful competition.

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