Economics Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2012  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Main
General Comments

  1. Weak Manipulative Skills

It was observed that most of the candidates who did not score good marks in the data response questions lacked simple manipulative skills.  This deficiency showed in their inability to carry out simple substitution of variables into an equation.

  1. Mere Listing of Points

Quite a good number of candidates could not earn the maximum marks for the questions attempted because they failed to expatiate their points.

  1. The Use of the Wrong Vocabulary


Most of the candidates lacked the correct technical language of expression in Economics.  This obviously made it difficult for them to put forward their points on paper.  These candidates scored low marks for this reason


(1)        Teachers should always encourage their students not to merely list points but to explain them as this is the only way they can score good marks for the questions attempted.


(2)        The use of the right vocabulary is very important in answering questions.  Candidates should be encouraged by their teachers to acquaint themselves with the use of the correct terminologies in answering questions in order for them to achieve good expression on paper.

(3)        The basic tools of economic analysis is a part of Economics that cannot be ignored.  Candidates should realize this and subject themselves to practice before the examination. This will enable them answer questions that may occur in this area more appropriately
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