Economics Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2012  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Main
General Commsents
Question 5

(a)        Differentiate between natural growth rate of population and
rate of growth of population.                                                 
            (b)        Explain any five measures that the government of your

country can adopt to check the high rate of population growth

(a)        Differentiate between natural growth rate of population and
rate of growth of population.                                                 
            (b)        Explain any five measures that the government of your
country can adopt to check the high rate of population growth.       

A good number of candidates attempted this question and provided the correct answers for the (b) part of the question.  Appropriate answers were not provided for the (a) part because the candidates could not adequately differentiate between the natural growth rate of population and rate of growth of population.

Candidates were expected to include the following points in their answers:

(a)        Natural growth rate of population is the difference between the birth rate and death rate while the rate of growth of population refers to the difference between birth rate and death rate plus net migration.

            (b)        (i)         Sex education
                        (ii)        Family planning
                        (iii)       Mass literacy
                        (iv)       Provision of family planning clinics
                        (v)        Legislation on family sizes
                        (vi)       Abolition/Reduction of tax-free allowances
                        (vii)      Provision of incentives to families
                        (viii)     Control of migration
                        (ix)       Provision of social security for citizens in old age
                        (x)        Discourage early marriage
                        (xi)       Education and provision of jobs for women
                        (xii)      Making the upbringing of children expensive e.g.

                                    abolition of paid maternity leave
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