Economics Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2021

Question 7


(a)        Explain the following forms of economic co-operation:
            (i)        free trade area;
            (ii)        customs union.

    (b)        Outline four problems hampering the effective economic integration of West African Countries.     



This question was the most unpopular among the candidates. The performance of the few candidates who attempted it was below average. Candidates were expected to explain free trade area and customs union in the (a) part of the question. Candidates were also required to outline four problems hampering the effective economic integration of West          African Countries in the (b) part of the question. Most of the candidates that attempted this question were unable to explain the concepts of free trade area and customs union   and provide four problems hampering the effective economic integration of West African Countries in the (a) and (b) parts of the question respectively; hence their performance in this question was poor.

The candidates were expected to answer thus:


(a)(i)    A free trade area is a form of economic integration where all members remove trade barriers among themselves, but each nation retains her own tariffs against non-members.
(ii)  A customs union is a form of economic integration where members abolish trade barriers among themselves, but retain a common tariff against non-members.

(b)(i)    Political instability / insecurity in some countries.
(ii)   Influence of former colonial masters/ differences in ideologies of various member states.
(iii)  Fear of domination by economically powerful nations.
(iv)  Lack of political will by some leaders.
(v)   The use of different currencies in member states.
(vi)  Lack of proper infrastructure in some countries.
(vii) Likelihood that some members will be unable to pay dues required of them.
(viii) Unwillingness to remove tariffs for fear of losing revenue.
(ix)  Absence of basis for trade as members produce similar products.
(x)   Differences in monetary and fiscal policies in member countries.