Fisheries Paper 2 Alt B., May/June 2015

Question 1

                (a)(i)    What is a fishing gear?                                                [ 2 marks ]

    (ii)    State four ways of maintaining fishing gear.               [ 4 marks ]

                (b)(i)    Define the term pond management.                            [ 2 marks ]

    (ii)    Describe four pond management practices.               [ 12 marks ]


This question was poorly attempted by the candidates.  In 1(a)(i – ii), majority of the candidates could define fishing gear but most of them could not state the ways of maintaining fishing gear.  Also, most of them could neither define pond management nor describe pond management practices as required in 1(b)(i-ii).

The expected answers include:

1 (a)    (ii)        Ways of maintaining fishing gear
-           Keep in cool dry place
-           Mend damaged parts
-           Clean (wash, remove debris)
-           Keep away from direct sunlight
-           Paint/grease metal parts
-           Protect wooden parts from termites
-           Replace broken/ damaged parts

(b)       (i)         Definition of pond management

Pond management involves all practices/activities carried out in fish pond   
aimed at ensuring a healthy/conducive environment to increase fish yield.

(ii)        Description of Pond management practices
Stocking              -     The right type and the right number of fish is placed in
a pond at the right time. (cool hours of the day)

  • The type of aquaculture influences the type of fish stocked.
  • Acclimatize/allow  fish to swim out into pond 
  • Pond water        -     Organic or inorganic fertilizers are added to the pond
    fertilization         -     Application could be done before or after impounding.

    It could be done through broadcasting or sack method.

    Liming          -     Lime such as CaO, CaOH are applied to pond to
    increase pH      

  • It is applied by broadcasting
  • It may be applied to kill parasites/predators
  • Apply  at recommended rates


    -          Feed is placed in pond water by broadcasting, point
    placement or automation.

    -     Fish could be fed two or three times a day, at specific

  • Quantity of feed depends on the size and age of fish.
  • Pellet size of feed depends on the size of fish
  • Feed fish with high quality feed/diet

    Disease control            

     -      Keep pond well aerated to prevent disease  
    -     Foot baths are provided for visitors at the entrance
    of the farm
    -      Farm appliance/ tools/equipment are kept clean and
    -      Minimize stress/handling fish
    -      Fresh fish stock are quarantined
    -    In case of disease outbreak consult experts
    -      Keep your surrounding clean
    -      Maintain good water quality


    -      Water quality is checked daily to ensure that water is
    water quality maintained at optimum level
    -      Daily observation of fish for stress/unusual behaviour
    -      Check sources of pollution within the pond e.g.
    overfeeding/overstocking/over fertilization
    -      Flush pond water when necessary