Government 2, May/June 2010  
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General Comments

question 6

Identify any six roles of the traditional rulers in the pre- colonial West Africa.


This question was very popular with the candidates except that some of the candidates mixed pre-colonial facts with colonial ones. However, most of the candidates who answered this question scored very high marks and
therefore making the overall performance in the question above average.

Some of the answers candidates gave included:
(i)  they served as a link between the people and their ancestors;
(ii) they appointed subordinate chiefs;
(iii) maintenance of law and order - They mobilized their subjects especially the able bodied youths to keep law and order;
(iv)  Cherished customs and traditions of the people were preserved and promoted;
(v)  administration of Justice - They interpreted customary norms and conventions and passed judgements;
(vi)  community development - They mobilized and organized their subjects towards community development;
(vii) recruitment of able-bodied men for war in defence of their territories;
(viii) they performed religious functions;
(ix) they collected tributes and taxes, etc.


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