Government 2, May/June 2013  
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question 4

(a) Explain concurrent functions in a federation.

(b) Outline five features of a confederal system of government.



This was a popular question and the candidates who answered it performed averagely well. They really had a good idea of the question. However, a few candidates failed to answer the (b) part very well due to skimpy answers given by the candidates. The candidates were expected to write the following points as answers to the question:

(a) Concurrent functions are powers and functions jointly exercised by the federal, state/regional governments but in the case of conflicts in discharging theseduties, the power of the federal government will prevail over the state/regional governments.

(b) (i) a confederal system of government has a very weak centre;

(ii) the confederating states are nearly autonomous;

(iii) secession of any component unit is constitutionally allowed;

(iv) component units to develop at their own pace;

(v) citizens’ allegiance is more to the component units than to the confederation.


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