Health Science Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2013  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Main
General Comments

Question 1


  1.   The diagram below illustrates the bones and muscles of the arm.  Study the diagram carefully and use it to answer questions 1(a),(b),(c) and (d)






(i)  Name the parts labelled I,II,III,IV, V and VI                       [ 3 marks ]

(ii)   Identify the movements that can occur at V
                  When the muscles contract.                                              [2 marks  ]

  1.  Name the class of lever represented by the illustrated

diagram                                                                                   [ 1 mark  ]

  1.  (i)    Name the injury that may occur if II shifts at V              [ 1 mark ]

(ii)    Describe the first aid treatment for the injury
        named in 1(c)(i) above.                                                  [ 5 marks ]

    •  Name four injuries that can occur to the part labelled VI      [ 4 marks  ]





This question was attempted by many candidates and their performance was fair.     
In part (a)(i)  candidates correctly named the parts labelled I,II,III,IV,V and VI and in (a) (ii) the candidates could not correctly identify the movements that can occur at V when the muscles contract.  In part (b) candidates could not correctly name the class of lever represented by the illustrated diagram. In part (c) candidates correctly named the injury that may occur if II shifts at V and in (c)(ii) candidates also described the first aid treatment for the injury named in 1 (c) above.  In part (d) candidates could not correctly name injuries that can occur to the part labelled VI
However, the expected answers are as follows:

1(a) (i)          Naming the parts labelled

               I         -         tendon/origin of the muscle
          II        -         humerus
          III       -         radius
          IV       -         load/weight
          V        -         joint/hinge joint/elbow joint
          VI       -         triceps muscle
(ii)  Movements that occur at V when muscles contract
      -    flexion/bending
      -     extension/straightening
(b)      Class of lever represented by the illustrated diagram
           -   third order/ third class lever

C(i)     Injury that occur if II shifts at V

  • dislocation

(ii)       Description of the first aid treatment for the named injury

  • sit the casualty/victim down in a comfortable position
  • hold the arm and support with sling/bandage/immobilise
  • apply a cold compress
  • reassure the casualty/victim
  • move to the hospital

(d)      Injuries that can occur to the parts labelled V
           -    burns
           -    scalds
           -    cuts/wounds/bruises
           -    muscle pull/muscle tear/muscle rupture
           -    muscle cramp/muscle spasm/muscle fatigue
           -    muscle strain




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