Islamic Studies Paper 2 May/June 2015

Question 1

    1. (a) Distinguish between Hadith and Sunnah.
    2. (b) Outline six benefits of Sunnah.


This was a compulsory question which required the candidates to do two things. As the majority of candidates who answered this question tried in their distinction between Hadith and Sunnah, some of them were unable to point out the benefits of Sunnah. Some of the points missed by the candidates include the fact that Sunnah is practical while the Hadith is theoretical and that Hadith is studied as a science though it includes the Sunnah but not the vice versa. They also missed out the fact that Sunnnah is a reference point for scholars of TafsÄ«r and that it provides solutions to social, economic and political challenges. In summary, candidates’ performance was fair in this question