General Mathematics Paper 2,Nov/Dec. 2010  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Main
General Comments
Question 4

(a) Find the value of X if X3five - 14five = 2Xfive•




The diagram is a circle passing through the points A, B, C and D such that AC and BD meet at a
point E inside the circle. If LDAC= 27°, LABD= 54° and LACB= 63°, find:
(i) <CAB;
(ii) <AEB.

 Part (a) of this question was reported to be very popular among the candidates and majority of them performed very well in it. However, it was observed that some candidates failed to subtract correctly. They wrote -5 + 4 instead of -(5 + 4) when converting -14five to base 10. Converting the given expression to base ten gave 5X + 3 - (5 + 4) = 10 + X. Simplifying this given expression gave X = 4.
Part (b) was reported to be poorly attempted by majority of the candidates. Majority of the candidates could not recall the appropriate theorems that would have enabled them to solve the question correctly. Candidates were expected to recall that LDBC = 270 (angles in the same segment as <CAD. Therefore, <CAB = 1800 - <ABD - <DBC - <BCA (sum of angles of a triangle), i.e. 1800 - 540 - 270 - 630 = 360• Angle AEB = 270 + 630 = 900•
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