Photography Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 2


    (a)Explain the following terms:

    (b)depth of field;



(b) List any six elements of composition in photography.



The question required the candidates to explain depth of field, enlargement and resolution and list the elements of composition in photography. Only few candidates attempted the question and scored low marks. The candidate’s performance was poor. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question:


  • (i)         Depth of field

-           The degree of image sharpness from the foreground to the background within the frame.
-           The distance through which the subject may extend and still form an
acceptably sharp image in front of and beyond the plane of focus.
-           It can be described as either shallow or good. A shallow depth of field has only the subject in sharp focus, while a good depth of field has all the elements within the frame sharp.
-           Aperture is a key factor in determining the depth of field. Smaller aperture allows for good depth of field. Larger aperture allows for shallow depth of field.
-           The choice of lens is also a factor, for example telephoto gives a shallow
depth, while a wide angle lens gives a good depth of field.
-          Zone or area that is in sharp focus within the frame (non-mention of
Frame attracts only one (1) mark).


(ii)        Enlargement
-           It is the process of increasing the size of an image during printing from a negative/digital image.
      -           Enlargement is achieved through the projection technique using an

(iii)      Resolution
-           Resolution describes the density of the pixels that make up a digital
image measured in megapixels.
-           Resolution of a digital image determines its quality, the higher the better.
-           The size of the digital image the camera produces in terms of its megapixel.

(b)        Elements of composition in photography

  • Line.
  • Texture.
  • Pattern.
  • Colour.
  • Shape.
  • Angle.
  • Background.
  • Centre of focus/interest.
  • Form.
  • Space.
  • Perspective.
  • Balance.
  • Closeness.