Animal Husbandry Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 1

(a)  Mention two other farm animals from which:
(i)  specimen A could be obtained;
(ii) specimen B could be obtained;
(iii) specimen C could be obtained.    (6 marks)
(b)  State four ways in which specimen A is important.  (4 marks)
(c)  State one function of each of specimens B and C in farm animals. (2 marks)
(d)  List three products that could be obtained from specimen B.   (3 marks)



This question was well attempted by the candidates. Some candidates repeated the specimen provided; thus losing some marks. For example, instead of mentioning other farm animals from which specimen A (chicken egg) could be obtained, some of them mentioned chicken, hen, fowl. There were also repetitions in ways in which chicken egg is important, some candidates mentioned provision of food, meat, protein etc.
The expected answers include:

1(a) (i) Other farm animals from which specimen A (Chicken Egg) could be obtained
-         Guinea fowl    -         Goose                    -         Emu
-         Duck         -         Ostrich                   -         Pigeon
-         Quail        -         Pheasant                -         Partridge
-         Turkey       -         Swan

        (ii) Other farm animals from which specimen B (Cattle Horn) could be obtained      
-       Sheep/Ram             -         Goat/Buck              -         Buffalo


        (iii) Other farm animals from which specimen C (Cattle Hoof) could be obtained
-      Sheep                     -         Horse           -         Goat                    
-      Camel                     -         Donkey         -         Buffalo         
-      Pig

(b)      Importance of specimen A (Egg)
-         As food / protein                             
-         Provision of employment
-         For reproduction/hatch into chicks
-         Source of income
-         Research purposes
-         Cultural/traditional/religious uses
-         Source of feed ingredient for farm animals/source of calcium
-         Decorations
-         Used for dressing wounds/burns
-          Source of raw materials/paints/adhesives/scouring powder/  

(c)      Functions of specimens B and C in farm animals

          Specimen B (Horn of Cattle)
-         Thermoregulation
-         Defense/attack
-         Protection of territory

Specimen C (Hoof of Cattle)
-         Protection of feet
-         For defense and offense

(d)      Products that could be obtained from specimen B (Horn of cattle)
-         Buttons/combs/belt head     -         Glue/adhesive/gelatine
-         Musical instruments         -         Fertilizer
-         Cutlery handles           -         Decoration / ornamentals
-         Cosmetics/hair-care products