Animal Husbandry Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 1

(a)        (i)         Outline the procedure for obtaining specimen A.                  [4 marks]
(ii)     State three benefits that farm animals could derive from feeding on specimen A.       [3 marks]

(b)        Mention two methods each that could be used to:
(i)         propagate specimen B;
(ii)        preserve specimen B.                                                              [4 marks]
(c)        State four uses of specimen C in animal production.                                    [4 marks]



This question was attempted by many candidates and marks were above average. However, many candidates could not sequentially outline the procedure for obtaining groundnut haulm as well as the benefits derived by farm animals from feeding on it. Many candidates outlined the processing of groundnut.
The expected answers include:

1. (a)    (i)         Procedure for obtaining specimen A (Dry groundnut haulm)
-           Harvesting/gathering from the field
-           Dry under shade in the sun
-           Turn it over at intervals
-           Cut into pieces
-           Pack in a suitable container/jute bags/bags
(ii)       Benefits derived by farm animals from feeding on specimen A (Dry groundnut haulm)
-           High digestibility by ruminants
-           High in fibre for rumination
-           High protein content for growth
-           Available during the dry season
-           Improves animal health
-           Reduced nitrogen pollution in animal waste
-           Higher milk / meat quality                                                                                                     
(b)        (i)         Methods that could be used to propagate specimen B(Guinea grass)

                        -           Seed
-           Vegetative propagation/rhizome        

(ii)        Methods of preserving specimen B (Guinea grass)

                        -           Silage
-           Hay                                                                            

(c)        Uses of specimen C(Kitchen knife) in animal production
-           Harvesting of grass/forages/chopping forages
-           Docking of piglets
-           Debeaking
-           Trimming of hoof
-           Shearing of wool/fur
-           Slaughtering/processing of farm animals
-           Castration
-           For identification of animals
-           Trimming of horns/disbudding
-           Cutting of ropes/opening of feed bags