Animal Husbandry Paper 3, WASSCE SC 2019

Question 3


(a) List three stages in the life cycle of specimen G. (3 marks)
(b) State four effects of specimen G on farm animals. (4 marks)
(c) Mention three ways of controlling specimen G in farm animals. (3 marks)
(d) Draw and label specimen H.




This question was poorly attempted by many candidates. Candidates were mentioning the life cycle of insects such as larva, pupa etc. Diagram of the liver fluke was poorly drawn and labelled with poor spellings.
The expected answers include:         

3 (a) Stages in the life cycle of specimen G (liverfluke) - Egg
- Miracidium
- Sporocyst
- Radiae
- Cercaria/metacercaria
- Adult

(b) Effects of specimen G (liverfluke) on farm animals
- Inflammation of the liver/sores
- May lead to death
- Obstruction/blockage of the bile duct
- Emaciation/loss of weight
- Liver haemorrhage/loss of blood/anaemia
- Loss of coordination/weakness
- Digestive disturbance/diarrhoea
- Damage to other organs during migration/reduction in metabolism of nutrients
- Reduced productivity i.e. reduced growth/egg production/milk yield/fertility/wool production

(c) Control of specimen G (liverfluke) in farm animals
- Destroy snails by treating surrounding water with moluscides/copper sulphate
- Use of ducks, geese to eat the snails
- Prevent animals from grazing on wet pasture/swamp
- Use rotational grazing
- Apply lime to stop the hatching of eggs on pasture/burning of pasture
- Maintain good sanitary practices/give clean uncontaminated forage and water
- Deworming/treat infected animals

(d) Drawing and labelling of specimen H (Tapeworm)