Majority of the candidates were unable to:
- explain crop rotation and mixed farming;
- state the advantages of crop rotation and mixed farming;
- state the differences between the digestive system of a goat and a chicken;
- explain the types of soil water;
- complete the table on animal diseases
- describe the cultivation of maize;
- describe selected farm records;
- state the characteristics of igneous rocks;
- attempt calculation questions on demand and supply;
- state the unit of quantity in questions on calculations.
Based on the observed weaknesses the Chief Examiners recommended as follows:
- Adequate coverage of the syllabus. Aspects of the syllabus such as farm mechanization/Agricultural engineering, crop and animal production, agricultural economics amongst others should be covered with particular emphasis on the new areas of the syllabus;
- Candidates should be exposed to questions on calculations in agricultural science;
- Candidates should be exposed to appropriate diagrams in agricultural science;
- The acquisition of practical skills in the subject through school farms, field visits, excursion;
- Exposure of candidates to technical terms used in Agriculture;
- Candidates should write legibly and concisely;
- Candidates should always state the unit of quantity when attempting questions on calculations.