Agriculture Paper 3, May/June 2015

Question 3

    Study specimens P, Q, R and S carefully and answer the following questions.

    (a)    State two uses each of specimens P, Q and R.                                       [ 6 marks ]

    (b)    State three problems that may result from a poorly maintained specimen S.
                                                                                                                                [ 3 marks ]

    (c)    List three protective devices that should be worn by a farmer when using specimen S.                                                                                                                       [ 3 marks ]

    (d)    State three precautions that should be taken when using specimen S.                                                                                                                                                    [ 3 marks ]          


This question was poorly attempted by the candidates.  In 3(a), quite a good number of the candidates were able to state the uses of specimens P(Electric bulb), Q(Garden fork) and R(Hand trowel) but most of them could not mention the problems that may result from a poorly maintained specimen S(Knapsack sprayer) as required in 3(b).  More so, in 3(c-d), majority of the candidates could neither list the protective devices that should be worn by a farmer when using specimen S(Knapsack sprayer) nor state the precautions that should be taken when using specimen S(Knapsack sprayer).

The expected answers include:

3         (b)        Problems that may result from poorly maintained specimen S (Knapsack sprayer)

- Clogging of nozzles
- Leakage of pressure chamber
- Leakage of chemical from tank
- Punctured hose
- Cross contamination can occur if not washed after use

           (c )        Protective devices that should be worn by a farmer using specimen S (Knapsack sprayer)

- Boot
- Hand gloves
- Goggles/face shield/nose mask
- Respirators
- Impermeable overalls
- Plastic caps             

            (d)       Precautions that should be taken when using specimen S(Knapsack sprayer)

- Do not use under windy condition/rainy days - Wash hands and body after use - Spray in the direction of light wind - Do not spray/use under closed conditions - Wear protective covering - Ensure that there are no leakages in the system - Do not eat/drink/smoke when operating it

- Never blow to clear blocked nozzle with the mouth
- Dispose all empty containers safely into dug pits/dump pit
- Keep the nozzle close to the ground to prevent spray drift or body contact
- Avoid walking on fresh sprayed plots