Automobile Parts Mechandising Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016

Section B

Question 6

(a)        State three differences between advertising and personal selling.

(b)        State four features of advertising.

(c)        Explain each of the following types of advertising:

  1. informative advertising;
  2. persuasive advertising;
  3. product advertising.



Most of the candidates who attempted this question did very well in parts (b) and (c) of the question.  Part (a) of the question was difficult for them. 
The required response to part (a) is:

(a)        Differences between advertising and personal selling

 -           Advertising communicates information to target audience on an impersonal basis while personal selling communicates information to the target audience on an interpersonal basis.

  -           Communication of information through advertising does not result in immediate feedback while communication of
information through personal selling results in immediate

  -           Advertising communication is rigid as the message cannot be changed once it has been transmitted while personal selling
communication is flexible as the salesman can change his presentation to suit the specific needs of the audience.

  -           Advertising communication is done through the mass media e.g. radio, television, newspaper etc while personal selling is
done on face to face basis.