Biology Paper 3 (Practical) Nov/Dec 2015

Candidates' Weakness


The observed weaknesses of the candidates include:
- inability to state the labels correctly;
- inability to spell the labels correctly;
- inability to spell the Class names of plant A and B correctly;     
- inability to draw the root system of plant B as required;
- inability to adequately differentiate between plant A and plant B
- inability to answer questions that require some levels of reasoning e.g. explaining what happens to a single cell separated from each of the organisms in diagrams C/Volvox and E/Spirogyra.


The following remedies were proffered to overcome the weaknesses:
-  students should study hard and prepare adequately for examinations;
-  students should be made to draw often, so as to perfect their diagrams during examinations;
-  students should be made to undertake practical lessons;
-  students should endeavour to learn the spelling of technical terms in Biology.
- students should always take critical look at the diagrams supplied during an examination, so that their differences can be easily outlined.