building construction Paper 2 Nov/Dec 2015

Question 5

  • a)            State three reason for hoarding a construction site.

b)   State the function of each of the following parts of a metal scaffold:

  • sole plate;
  • standard;
  • putlog.

      c)   List three construction activity records that are kept on site.
Most of the candidates were able to:

  • state three reasons for hoarding a construction site;
  • state the function of sole plate, standard and putlog;
  • list three construction activity records that are kept on site.



5(a)       Three reasons for hoarding construction site:

  1. prevents unauthorized persons to the site;
  2. prevents unauthorized vehicular traffic to the site;
  3. prevents theft/pilferage;
  4. controls movement of workers;
  5. ensure privacy on site.

(b)        Function of parts of scaffold
(1)        Sole plate: This provides a stable footing for the scaffold.
(2)        Standard: provides vertical support in a scaffold.
(3)        Putlog:
- connects the scaffold to the building.
- provides support for the working platform.
- provides lateral support to the scaffold.



(c)        Three construction activity records that are kept on site:
(1)        attendance record;
(2)        purchase record/delivery invoice;
(3)        delivery record/note (plant and equipment);
(4)        accident record;
(5)        visitation record register;
(6)        weather reports;
(7)        materials delivery record;
(8)        works Progress Report;
(9)        minutes of site meetings;
(10)       way bill;
(11)       inventory record.