building construction Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 1


1.         (a)        state the difference between an industrial building and religious building:
(b)        state two duties of a building inspector
(c)        sketch a pictorial view of a profile for a strip foundation and indicate the following:
(i)        trench width;
(ii)        peg.




 Most candidates were able to:

-           state two duties of a building inspector.

                        However, majority of them were not able to:

-           state the difference between an industrial building and a religious building;
-           sketch a pictorial view of a profile for a strip foundation and indicate
trench width and peg.

The expected response to question 1(a)  and 1(c) is as given below:


  1. State the difference between the following:
    1. Industrial building: buildings or structures for production of materials i.e. fabricating, processing and assembling. E.g. Assembly plant, gas plant, food processing, pumping station.  
    2. Religious building: a place for worship or for spiritual instruction.
      a place for meditation/praying.  

  2.  Pictorial view of a profile board: