Candidates’ weaknesses include the following:
- non adherence to rubrics;
- spelling errors;
- lack of mathematical/manipulative skills;
- poor knowledge of concordance in precision measurement;
- inadequate understanding of the mole concept and stoichiometric calculation.
- lack of knowledge of significant figures;
- inability to relate effectively observation with relevant inferences.
- use of chemical formulae instead of the IUPAC names of compounds/reagents;
- test on solids instead of solutions;
- manipulation of titre values to agree with those of the supervisors.
- omission /wrong use of units;
- inadequate preparation.
The following were the suggested remedies:
- Candidates should familiarize themselves with the prescribed examination syllabus.
- Candidates should be exposed to more laboratory practical/work.
- Qualified teachers should be employed to impart the requisite knowledge.
- Teachers of chemistry should attend seminars/workshops e.g. those mounted by STAN in order to be exposed to new frontiers of knowledge.
- Candidates should prepare adequately for examinations.