Civic Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2019

Question 4

State five behaviours associated with drug addiction



This question was popular as it attracted a vast percentage of the candidates. The performance of most candidates who answered it was good as they understood what was required of the question. The defect to most of candidates who missed out in scoring the maximum marks obtainable is mostly attributed to candidates failing to point out some of the sociological/psychological effects of drugs on its users rather; they concentrated their efforts on the visible behaviours of drug addicts. To those candidates who deviated, expected answers include

  1. They neglect obligations at work and their commitments at home and family start to wane.
  2. They take risks that are personally dangerous and put others in jeopardy such as driving or operating machinery while intoxicated.
  3. They violate the law by engaging in disorderly conduct or assaultive behavior.
  4. Interpersonal problems: they always have strained relationship with self and others, peers, friends, family.
  5. Continuous use of drugs even when it is clear that such behaviour entails significant risks or create problem in living.
  6. Drug addicts seem to have no direction in life because they are always looking sad, mostly when the effect of drugs has waned.