Commerce Jan/Feb 2017

Question 4


    1.      What is a commodity exchange?


    1.      List five tradable commodities in a commodity exchange.
    State six functions of a commodity exchange





    Most candidates could not explain commodity exchange. Some candidates were even explaining stock exchange. Most candidates could not list the tradable commodities.

    The expected responses to the question include:

             4.       (a)      A commodity exchange is a market that provides arrangements                                    and facilities for buying and selling of tradable commodities.                                                                                                
    (b)     Tradable commodities in the commodity exchange include:

          1. Grains;
          2. Fibre;
          3. Cassava;      
          4. Livestock/meat;
          5. Cocoa;
          6. Crude petroleum;
          7. Gas;
          8. Gold;
          9. Silver;
          10. Zinc;
          11. Platinum;
          12. Iron;
          13. Cotton;
          14. Coffee;
          15. Groundnut;
          16. Palm produce.

                       (c)      The functions of a commodity exchange are:

    1. It provides opportunity to hedge against risks of adverse future   

            price fluctuations;   

    1. Producers and users have better and easier access to market

            information   which reduces their vulnerability to cheating by middlemen and buyers;

    1. It gives assurance of regular and uninterrupted product

            demand/regular market;

    1. It provides a convenient place where members meet and transact           business according to  establish rules and regulations;
    2. It enhances expansion and improvement in warehousing facilities;
    3. quality assurance- they ensure high quality of goods traded by

              getting dealers to comply with set standards and grades;

    1. It provides access to commodities in international market and this promote competitiveness/ increase in total world output;
    2. It provides a platform for the settlement of disputes among members/arbitration;
    3. It provides producers opportunities to transfer their risks to

              professional risk bearer.