Computer Studies Paper 3, WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 1


  1.  Using a Word processing package, create a college time table format titled “COLLEGE TIME TABLE” for 7 subjects (English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Civic Education and Computer Studies), for 5 days with a minimum of 45 minutes duration. Lunch time is 40 minutes. Lesson in the college starts at 8.00 a.m. everyday and each subject should have a minimum of 5 periods in a week.
    1. Format the “COLLEGE TIME TABLE” using the following:
    2. the title of the table should be aligned centre, bold and underline;
    3. use table design style of any type;
    4. days of the week should be bold.
    5. Save your work with your full name in the folder created.
    6. Print and submit your work.





















Candidates were required to create a college timetable using a word processing package.
Most of the candidates attempted the question but some of them failed to use the desired table design style to create the table as required by the question.