Computer Studies Paper 3, WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 3


    (a) Create a:

    1. Database and save as WASSCE in the folder on the desktop.
    2. Table with headings as shown in table 2 (11 rows). Define the fields appropriately. Save the table as tblcustomers. Set custom ID as primary key.

















    1. Form from tblcustomers and save as RFORM.

                       (b)  Enter ten records of your choice using the First Name and Telephone.
    (c)   Write a query to retrieve the First Name and telephone
    (d)   Design a report using 3(c).
    (e)   Insert a footer and type in your full name and index number.
    (f)    Print the report and submit to the supervisor.



The expected answer is:

The question tested the ability of the candidates on the use of Microsoft Access application in creating database. The Chief Examiner reported that the candidates who attempted the question showed poor skill on the use of the application.