Cosmestology Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 2 / Observation

  Candidates’ were expected to

  1. List five causes of hair loss
  2. Mention three preventive measures to be taken for hair loss.
  3. State five ways of treating hair loss.
  4. List two classes of work items used in cosmetology.
  5. State the use of each of the following items;

Neck strip;
Electric oil heater;

  1. Outline six pre- draping procedure of a client.
 Majority of the candidates preformed excellently and the question was widely attempt by the candidates, but the ‘c' part was not well attempted by Majority of the candidates, therefore, they loose marks. Candidates wrote the ways of treating hair loss as maintain good hygiene, prevent infection, use right Combs, see your stylist and use good products/chemicals instead of the use of vitamin A, eat nourishing food, use essential oils/ cream/ conditions and regular scalp massage.