Question 2
- What is resist?
- List five types of resist.
- How can resist be achieved in batik?
Candidates’ responses to this question were remarkable, though some candidates were not able to state how resist can be achieved and this caused them to have low performance in the question. The following points should have been highlighted in their responses for them to score high marks:
- It is a technique of preventing dyes from penetrating into the fabric.
Resisted areas on the fabric will either be tied, waxed or even starched
before dyeing. The resist will form patterns or designs on the fabric.
It is a method of preventing the absorption of dye into a fabric by tieing, waxing or starching portions of the fabric.
(b) Waxing, Tieing, Folding, Marbling, Splashing, Starching, Squeezing,
Stitching/Sewing, Pleating, Twisting, Knotting, Clump tieing, Crumpling,
Clamping, Concentric squares, Tied circles.
(c) - Melt wax to the right temperature.
- Transfer patterns onto the fabric and apply melted wax on the
areas to be resisted, using foam, brush or tjanting.
- Prepare dye bath/solution and dip fabric in it for dyeing to take place.
- Remove the fabric and spread for oxidation.
- Dry the fabric.
- Dewax the fabric by dipping into hot water or use hot iron and paper.
- Rinse the fabric and dry.
Iron the fabric and package |
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