This question was very popular among the candidates. Majority of those who attempted the question performed very well. They stated the correct chain of distribution as Manufacturer – Wholesaler – Retailer- Consumer. They were handsomely rewarded.
However, a few weak candidates failed to score good marks in the question because they muddled the functions of wholesalers and retailers together. On the whole, candidates overall performance in the question was good.
The candidates who scored low marks forgot to include the following points in their answers:
(b)(i) (i) provides finance for the manufacturer;
(ii) provides warehousing facilities;
(iii) breaks the bulk for the retailer;
(iv) provides credit to the retailer, etc
(ii) (i) gives information to the wholesaler and consumer;
(ii) keeps variety of goods/services from which consumer can
(iii) sells in small quantities to consumers;
(iv) grants credit to reliable consumers.