Question 7
Ke uto “Baba”, wet ñkpọ ition emi etịñ-ikọ ke uto oro ọdọhọde ete imọ idinamke aba.
Candidates were to write five things which the poet persona promised not to do again. The expected answers were:
* Iditieneke owo edem aba
* Idisuñike akwa owo aba
* Idiyomke ikọ mbak utọk
* Iditịñke ikọ ubiat emem
* Idiyomke akwa usịne ọfọñ
* Idiñwọñke mmịn ndomokiet
* Idiyomke uwak inyene
* Idikamake isọn ekikak
* Idinamke idiọk ekese
* Ididiọkke itọñ ke ñkpọ
Performance in this question was good.