Financial Accounting WASSCE (SC), 2022

Candidates' Weakness


The candidates performed poorly in questions testing the following topics:
-           Control Account.
-           Branch Accounting;
-           Adjusted Cash book/ Bank Reconciliation Statement;
-           Trading Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and Balance Sheet;

            Some of the weaknesses observed were:

-         Inadequate preparation for the examination as reflected in lack of proper understanding of the basic principles of accounting;
-           Candidates’ inability to interpret questions correctly;
-           Inadequate understanding of theoretical aspects of financial accounting to enable candidates apply the knowledge in practice aspect of the subject;
-           Poor expression, scrawled handwriting and disorderly presentation of points;
-           Poor knowledge of the procedures involved in accounting as majority of the candidates prepared accounts without headings while some failed to state narrations as required in some questions;
-           Candidates’ failure to adhere to rubrics and instructions.





-           The teaching of the basic principles of Financial Accounting must be emphasized in schools with emphasis on the rudiments of accounting practice, rudiments of posting and entries and the principle of double entry at all times.

-           Candidates should prepare very well by covering all aspects of the syllabus before writing the examination.

-           Teachers should make use of past question papers for revision exercise in preparing for examinations.

-           During examination revision, teachers should not only concentrate on SS3 topics but cover both the SS1 and SS2 topics respectively.
-           Qualified teachers should be employed to teach the subject in schools.

-           Candidates should be taught to write in full instead of abbreviations and teachers should discourage the use of unapproved abbreviations in their answers to questions.

-           Candidates should prepare properly for examinations and be conversant with accounting terminologies and definitions.