The candidates were able to:
- state the uses of specimens A(Secchi disc) and B(Aquarium aerator) in a fish pond;
- describe how specimen B(Aquarium aerator) is used in a fish pond;
- mention the ways of maintaining specimen G(Knife);
- identify specimens J(Rope) and K(Twine);
-list the items that could be used in addition to specimens H(Netting material), J(Rope) and K(Twine) to construct fishing gear;
- name fishing gear that have specimens H(Netting material), J(Rope) and K(Twine) as components;
- name fishing gear that do not have specimens H(Netting material), J(Rope) and K(Twine) as components;
- identify the stage of growth of specimen L(Fingerling);
- state the observable difference between specimens M (Adult female Clarias) and N
(Adult male Clarias);
- identify the sex of specimens M(Adult female Clarias) and N(Adult male Clarias)
based on observation.